Modernize Your SaaS Enterprise With DevOps

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Leverage the benefits of DevOps implementations based on AWS for your SaaS application.

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Significant steps to create a next-generation DevOps SaaS Architecture.

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DevOps pinciples and practices to adopt in your SaaS enterprise.

What can I learn
from the Ebook?

With this Ebook, you’ll be capable of learning how DevOps adopt a Multi-tenant architecture approach to have extensive valuable benefits for your SaaS application under AWS. Therefore you will understand the SaaS architecture cycle, including server configuration, code, and what architecture pursues per every IT layer.

Table of

  1. What is a Multi tenant Architecture?
  2. Types of Multi-tenant DevOps SaaS Architectures
  3. Application Code Changes
  4. Follow the 12-Factor Methodology Framework, the pure DevOps principle
  5. Multi-tenant SaaS Architecture Best Practices
  6. Final Thoughts

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