Case Study – Tickettogo
Results of ClickIT DevOps Consulting and AWS Optimization.

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Ticket to go offers to the public: online tickets sale for massive cultural, sports and music events in the north area of Mexico. They hadn’t an online platform to sell tickets, so they needed a full development of it.
They wanted two applications with the respective security and e-commerce characteristics to sell tickets online. ClickIT helped them with the web and mobile app development. The design was created thinking of user experiences on this kind of platform and some of Ticket to go’s ideas.
Results of web and mobile app development
- Best user experience
- Innovation of a new platform
- Reliability on the online apps
- Administration for each sold ticket
The application is beneficial not only to users but also to the admins because of the improved administration of sales in each event. The new platform offers more reliability and security in ticket sales either for Ticket to go and for their clients.