Case Study – TicketBooth

AWS Autoscaling

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TicketBooth is an online ticketing application based on a sophisticated WordPress multisite and AWS. Ticket Booth helps events to sold tickets and run event operations with a pro platform. This site can sell tickets online or face-to-face, with different payment methods opportunities. 

The company needed to satisfy traffic demands because of the differents AWS regions it has per each WordPress environment. ClickIT helps them by improving the system’s scalability and speed, which also contributes to increased sales and visitors. One of their most significant benefits was the saving infrastructure cost.

They needed a DevOps critical transformation and ClickIT was their solution. Ticket Booth wanted AWS auto-scaling, WordPress high performance, increased concurrent users, reduced CPU usage, and in-memory resources.

Results of AWS Auto Scaling

With ClickIT’s improvements, TicketBooth is now offering better navigation agility for users. ClickIT DevOps engineers are collaborating hand-to-hand with TicketBooth internal team to manage and maintain the modern environment in optimal conditions.

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